Richard Wooldridge Re-Elected to RIBA Role - HPA

Richard Wooldridge Re-Elected to RIBA Role

We’re pleased to announce our director Richard Wooldridge has been re-elected as a national councillor for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Richard has served on the RIBA national council for the past three years as one of two regionally elected members for the North West.

The national council acts an important link between the profession and regional architects, allowing regional representation on important policy decisions and other key issues.

Richard commented: “I’m very proud to be re-elected by my peers to serve on the national council. Over the past three years we’ve campaigned for more regional autonomy to improve the delivery of RIBA services in our area. We’ve also rallied for a better digital platform so more services can be delivered direct to RIBA members, especially those in rural parts of the North West.

For student members we’ve supported increased voting rights and improved representation; and there is much more work to be done on reducing the cost of architectural education. We have also successfully encouraged the streamlining of the National Council to make it more effective.”

At the moment, we’re raising the issues of social mobility and gender equality in the current diversity debate. I’m looking forward to continuing the good work we have already started.”

Richard has been a director of HPA since 2005. He has served on and off as a RIBA regional councillor for 14 years and is also a former president of the Lancashire and Westmorland Society of Architects.

You can follow Richard on Twitter @RichardW_Arch

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