Richard Appointed to RIBA National Council - HPA

Richard Appointed to RIBA National Council

HPA director, Richard Wooldridge, will play a role in shaping the future of the profession after being appointed to the prestigious Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) National Council.

Richard has been elected to the council along with 3 other architects from the North West region. As well as representing the interests of North West architects at a national level, Richard will have a say on important decisions taken by RIBA about the profession.

Richard commented: “It’s a great honour to have been chosen to represent the profession at a national level and I feel humbled at the support I’ve received from my peers in the region who nominated me. The role is important because the work of the council is what ultimately shapes how architects in the UK will work in future.”

The RIBA National Council is made of 60 members from the RIBA membership across the UK. Meeting four times a year, it passes down detailed responsibility and technical focus to the RIBA board and main committees. Recent decisions taken by the RIBA Council, include steps to modernise the education of future generations of architecture students and improve the governance of RIBA.

Richard also sits on the RIBA North West council and has been president of the Lancaster and Westmorland Society of Architects (LAWSA) for the last nine years. He has been elected to the RIBA National Council along with Ewen Miller, Mark Percival and Lisa Raynes from the North West region.

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