Planning Submitted: E2M Propose Change of Use For City Centre Base - HPA

Planning Submitted: E2M Propose Change of Use For City Centre Base

HPA Architects are pleased to confirm we have submitted a planning application on behalf of local-based charity Escape2Make (E2M) to propose a change of use for 56 Church Street, Lancaster.

Founded in 2018, E2M supports 11 to 18-year-olds from all walks of life from the Lancaster and Morecambe area to ‘Make Things, Make Friends and Make a Difference’ in their community and achieve this through running year-round clubs as well as 2 ambitious projects each year.

Formerly occupied by an Estate Agency, E2M chose the city centre property to address their need for a permanent base having received grant funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to establish a dedicated home within Lancaster, in 2023.

The proposed unit will provide a permanent home for the charity, enabling them to provide a fully accessible drop-in facility and permanent home for their ongoing clubs.

E2M noted “…‘community’ is shrinking and the ability for our young people to meet like-minded others is severely impacted. The E2M project is a beacon of hope in a world where the young feel lonely, afraid and isolated.”

The unit was chosen due to its central location in Lancaster, with safe pedestrian routes from public transport. In addition, the main spaces of the unit are located at ground floor level, with level access from the street ensuring that the space is accessible to all.

It is hoped that the proposed centre will allow the charity to reach 900 young people within Lancaster and Morecambe.

The charity now seeks to change the use of the property from professional service to use as a creative youth space. Internally, the charity is proposing minimal changes, which include the installation of a lobby, boxing in of the internal staircase to provide fire separation between the ground floor and basement, and installing WCs at ground floor level.

Externally there will be no changes to the building’s fabric. It is proposed that new signage is installed to the front elevation.

The planning application was prepared with a member of the youth board of E2M who now studies architecture at Lancaster University which has always been part of our ethos of working with the charity since the creation of the architecture club in 2018.

A decision on the change of use will be made by Lancaster City Council at a future planning meeting.

HPA Architects are proud to assist organisations such as E2M to realise their ambitions through thoughtful design – to find out more about our work click here

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