Planning Permission Granted for LCC Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar Panels - HPA

Planning Permission Granted for LCC Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar Panels

HPA are continuing to work with Lancaster City Council as their Decarbonisation Project moves forward into its delivery phase, contributing to the Council’s ambitions to reach net carbon zero by 2030.

The latest milestone which HPA have overcome has been gaining Planning Permission for the installation of two new air source heat pumps and a number of solar panels at CityLab, in Lancaster City Centre. The site itself is a commercial property, owned and managed by Lancaster City Council, and is home to a number of local, Lancaster businesses.

The works approved will entirely remove the use of natural gas within these buildings, helping the Council proceed with their zero carbon emissions goals.

The site is located within the Lancaster Conservation Area, and includes a listed building, meaning that this project has overcome a series of complexities. However, HPA have been able to advise contractors on the design and detailing of the plant, ensuring that their scheme protects the historical significance of these buildings.

To learn more about improving building efficiency, contact HPA to speak to our technical team.

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