Jetty at The Samling Hotel Gains Planning Permission - HPA

Jetty at The Samling Hotel Gains Planning Permission

HPA have secured Planning Consent on behalf of their client, The Samling Hotel, for the long awaited return of the hotel jetty.

After the original jetty suffered storm damage in 1992, there have been numerous planning attempts over the last 30 years to try and reinstate this feature. Coming on the scene in 2019, HPA Chartered Architects were enlisted by The Samling to bring back the jetty and successfully gained Planning Approval in 2021.

Samling Jetty Sketch
Samling Jetty Sketch

This approval, which was carefully considered by the Lakeland District Council alongside the Environmental Agency, sits alongside the LDNPA Local Plan Policy to “support proposals that improve water based transport”, promoting the development of sustainable transport and travel choices.

In addition to the sustainable transport the hotel can now offer its guests, the jetty will also be reinstating a historical structure. Built from timber and standing at 6.6 metres long, the jetty is restoring the historic steps that once stood on the site and will be finished with a rope handle and timber whittled gate.

We are delighted to have assisted The Samling in the return of the jetty, and look forward to the works commencing onsite.

Visit The Westmoreland Gazette for more coverage on this Approved Application.

Find out more about the work we have done in the Leisure and hotel sector here.

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