HPA sponsors cricket tournament for Funeral Centre project
HPA recently sponsored an indoor cricket tournament in Blackburn, which was organised by Blackburn Royals to raise funds for the Masjid-al-Momineen Funeral Centre project.
Masjid-al-Momineen has been serving the community for more than 30 years with communal prayer, marriage, and funeral services. Since the existing facilities do not meet current standards, Masjid-al-Momineen face difficulties in providing funeral services for the present and future community.

Since the Masjid building was founded in 1983, demand for the facilities has increased significantly. HPA has developed the design for a purpose-built centre that will improve the available funeral facilities, including a dedicated Ghusl Khaana and shrouding area; Deedar and Taziyyat facilities; and designated rooms for men and women.

HPA will be submitting the planning application for the new Funeral Centre very soon. Find out more about the Funeral Centre fundraiser here. All donations welcome.
You can also watch the tournament in action. The winners are awarded their trophies from 10:00:00 onwards!