HPA Become Learning Disability England Members - HPA

HPA Become Learning Disability England Members

HPA have recently become active members of Learning Disability England, enlisting as paid supporters of core work produced by the operation. Our membership allows us to participate in debates regarding bettering housing choices, supported living, and creating safe, social, supported facilities for all.

While Learning Disability England (LDE) itself was founded recently in 2015, its history dates back to early nineteenth century. Core work of LDE includes influencing funding decisions and understanding the effect on individual’s lives, supporting development, and inciting notable change.

It is made up of people with learning disabilities, families, friends, and paid members who all work towards the same goal of diverse and equal opportunities for all. By joining LDE, HPA are contributing and campaigning within our own demographic to promote the key values and messages of this organisation.

This will help both HPA and others benefit a wider community, and aid awareness of how change can be inspired – inside and outside architecture services. Our practice was keen to contribute further to LDE, because we recognise that by subscribing as members, we are a part of the bigger self-advocacy and movement to improve lives.

Although we have previously assisted with supported living design, accessibility, and fundraising, we believe that this new commitment will allow us to encourage and re-enforce the importance of these matters within our work.

We have witnessed first-hand how the impact of architecture on spaces for learning disabilities can enhance existing environments and improve standards of socialisation. We are long-term partners of the Bendrigg Trust, located in Kendal, where we redesigned their facilities, extended, and added amenities that were revered by staff and the local community.

HPA are proud to be members of Learning Disability England, along with all the other organisations we contribute and volunteer for. Our business strives to be a part of the future of social care design and innovative solutions.

To explore HPA’s work within the community sector, click here.

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