HPA Assists on Plans for Lancaster Ice Rink - HPA

HPA Assists on Plans for Lancaster Ice Rink

HPA has worked with longstanding Client The Borough, Lancaster, to submit a Planning Application aimed at bringing an ice rink to the city’s historic Dalton Square, this Christmas. If the plans are approved, the square would be turned into a Winter Wonderland from November 22, 2018 to January 5, 2019.

The ‘Lancaster on Ice’ project is the brainchild of Hannah and Martin Horner, owners of The Borough, who have worked with Chris Selkirk of Sustainable Festivals to make it a reality. The proposals for the ice rink also include using the space in between Dalton Square and Sulyard Street for food, drink, and retail provision, as well as creating a reception / changing area for skaters.

We’ve often looked out from The Drawing Room in The Borough and imagined an ice rink on the square during the winter time,” said Martin. “When I met Chris to discuss other projects, I mentioned the ice rink by chance and he told me he’d made plans for similar projects previously. The idea then started to move very quickly from that point.”

The ice rink will be open to the general public throughout the festive period. There are plans to work closely with local primary schools as well, to give as many children as possible the chance to experience it.

Martin added: “Although the project is commercially-led we are hoping to deliver a heavily subsidised young people programme to make the rink as accessible as possible.”

Businesses in the area are also invited to get involved in the project. Hannah commented. “Over 750,000 cars will pass Dalton Square during the festive period with footfall from the car parks on Bulk Street somewhere in the region of 100,000. There’ll be approximately 30,000 skaters, so there are lots of promotional opportunities.”

Zoe Hooton, director at HPA, said: “It’s been a pleasure to work on this exciting project which has the potential to bring in lots of extra visitors to Lancaster and really put the city on the map as a festive events destination.”

It is thought that the ice rink will help Lancaster attract a significant number of tourists and shoppers from across North Lancashire, South Lakes, and beyond.

For further updates on the ice rink please like Facebook.com/lancasteronice or visit the website lancasteronice.com. If you’d like to register for Early Bird tickets click here.

Anyone interested in sponsorship opportunities should email daniel@bohopubco.com

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