High Street Heritage Action Zone: 31-39 North Road, Lancaster - HPA

High Street Heritage Action Zone: 31-39 North Road, Lancaster

HPA developed a proposed visual scheme for the regeneration of 31-39 North Road, part of Lancaster’s Heritage Action Zone (HAZ). Lancaster City Council commissioned HPA to conduct a survey of the existing buildings and assess the works required to restore the buildings’ character, reinstating their historic features. The aim of the work was to engage owners and assist them in the take up of the HAZ scheme, improving the condition and perception of the area in accordance with its heritage.

Initially, HPA conducted a survey of the existing buildings, as well as archive research on the wider conservation area. HPA have worked alongside a qualified CARE (Conservation Accreditation Register of Engineers) Engineer to review the condition of all shop frontages. This work enabled us to identify repairs that would be needed and replacements to be made to carry out a historically sympathetic restoration of the buildings.

31-39 North Road is part of the Mill Race area which is a historically significant part of the city of Lancaster. The area flourished in the 18th and 19th century, bringing wealth to the district through its involvement in the triangle trades and early industrialisation. The industry was powered by a historic and now hidden mill race watercourse. It is this legacy of fine architecture which today helps Lancaster be recognised as one of England’s great historic cities.

Images courtesy of Lancaster City Museums & Lancashire Red Rose Collections

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