Helm Mount Farm – Planning Appeal Success - HPA

Helm Mount Farm – Planning Appeal Success

We are delighted to announce the successful Appeal of a Planning Application for the conversion of an existing building into an accessible holiday unit at Helm Mount Farm in South Lakeland.  Significantly – the farm which is located within open countryside will now be able to provide much needed accessible holiday accommodation.

The Planning Inspector’s report highlights that decisions made must consider the needs and duties set out by the Equality Act 2010.

The Inspector states that “…the refusal of proposed development would have disproportionate impact on people with protected characteristics related to their disability. This conflicts with the aims of seeking inclusive places, eliminating discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity…”

We’re extremely grateful for the knowledge and support shared with us from Bendrigg Trust and Ablestay, who assisted us to clearly articulate and verify demand for this specialist accommodation.

The Appeal Reference is: APP/M0933/W/22/3300443

The Planning Decision can be viewed online here.

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