HPA have been assisting Barrow Sixth Form College with a feasibility and funding application, evaluating how best to refurbish the teaching environment and revitalize it for upcoming prospective students.
As the Sixth Form recently merged with Furness College in 2016, this project seeks not to extend the space provided but upgrade and enhance existing educational spaces. The works subject to the funding application hope to create an inviting reception and updated theatre space, as well as amending ease of navigation inside the buildings and improving classroom and student facilities.
This proposal would improve accurate representation of Barrow Sixth Form’s successful teaching style, whilst also increasing its onsite bio-diversity with the enrichment of its external landscape. By refining the aesthetics of the college’s space and providing a fresh, invigorated setting to learn, it will uplift community spirit between teachers and students alike, and present a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere in which to further enhance education.